
Our newest team member


​After four years, it is time to bring on someone to handle a lot of the day to day tasks that Window Dude, in its growth, has come to need to run smoothly. Please help us welcome Susan, who worked with Dru as the branch manager of his former office. Susan is going to be handling the website, the database, the calendar, and pretty soon, a lot of the phone calls to keep the machine running like a well oiled machine. Dru is great at coming up with the wild ideas, and Susan has her strength in making sure the follow through is done. So, next time you call in, if you happen to get Susan on the phone, give her a big welcome to the team!

Pacific Palisades

Million Dollar View
Million Dollar View

Usually this time of year is our "slow time" with all the rains that people are afraid of. But, in reality, getting your windows cleaned BEFORE the rains come is a great idea. Once the dirt is off the glass and sills, a little rain water that might touch some of the windows doesn't actually make them dirty. Plus, with a little Rain-X treatment it is a great way to get your home to shine all the way through to the Spring. 

This last month we have been in Pacific Palisades, doing some very targeted marketing, and I must take a second to thank all the fine residents of this lovely town. We have met so many people and have really enjoyed being a part of your overall home maintenance team. This is clearly a town where people take pride in their homes and it is a pleasure to be here every day. 

Happy #Movember



I started a little bit before November, but this crazy thing growing on my face has prompted me to start a Movember page to raise money for men's cancer research. I'm mostly having fun with this big mustache, but if it causes anyone to donate for cancer research, then it was not all in vain. Don't be scared when I show up to clean your windows looking like I just got back from my Barbershop Quartet meeting, it's just me, the Window Dude, being silly and thinking outside the box as I have fun doing a job I love. And, if you care to donate, the site is here: